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It seems like the more time that passes since this suppose event there are more and more people questioning the likelihood of it happening at all. Neil Armstrong (1930-2012) and Edwin "Buzz" Aldrin (1930-present) became the very first humans to land on the moon. July 20, 1969, is the date that they landed. According to the editors at www.history.com We all know the famous quote Mr. Armstrong said, "That's one small step for man, on giant leap of mankind." On May 25, 1961, John F. Kennedy announced the plan to land a man on the moon before the 1970s. And a little over 8 years later mission accomplished. Or was it? During that time tensions were high with the Soviet Union. We were in the middle of a Cold War, and at that time America was behind in the space development. Did America actually beat the Soviets to the moon? Or did they just let the world believe we had won? What do you think?

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At News or Conspiracy?, we are dedicated to providing our readers with insightful analysis and thought-provoking content on current events and conspiracy theories. Our small team of writers is committed to delivering well-researched and unbiased information to our audience.
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